I’ve been wanting to post here but I’m not at my apartment right now and haven’t been for most of the US’s pandemic response. Instead, I’m back in my old bedroom from high school, living with my parents. Thanks to the work-from-home situation, Roblox gave each of us employees a stipend for home-office upgrades. So, here’s my makeshift home office. Complete with a standing desk, a 65% keyboard / vertical mouse combo I brought with me from my apartment, and some stands for my displays to try to keep my posture in check.
When I do eventually get back to my apartment (soon, hopefully without a
), I’ll post another of my actual workstation 
Note: Right now, most of my personal development work, like making Roblox games or open source libraries, is just me sitting against my wall with a couple of pillows behind my back and my macbook on my lap. Didn’t think that deserved any sort of “showing off”